We are delighted to announce that Muse Productions have received three nominations from AIMS for our recent production of “In the Heights”.
First up was our Front of House team led by Anne Barnes who have been nominated for Best House Management. Anne has also been nominated with our friends in Shannon Musical Society for the same award in the Gilbert Category, so here’s to the double! Anne was supported by a great team, notably her daughter Alice and Eoin Sheedy, but there were many more on the team who all deserve the recognition.
Next was Ted Germaine who was nominated for Best Stage Management. If ever there was a labour of love, this was it. In as much as its possible for one man to build an entire set, Ted did it. Thats not to take from all the people who helped out, particularly Francis Maloney who saved our bacon with the roller door, but nobody would object to singling Ted out for his single-mindedness and dedication.
Finally, Edel McFadden was nominated in the category of Best Supporting Actress for her touching portrayal of Abuela Claudia. Edel is no stranger to AIMS having won Best Supporting Actress and Best Overall Performer for SMS in the role of Irene Molloy in Hello Dolly in 1989, so this will be her 30th anniversary. Lets hope that’s a good omen!
We would like to thank the entire cast and crew for their dedication and good humour for what was a really special piece of theatre. The Nominations are a lovely cherry on top, but the reaction of our audiences is all the accolades we need. We’d also like to thank our friends and sponsors in The Shannon Springs for their constant support, without which none of this would be possible.
Finally we would like to congratulate our friends in neighbouring societies on their nominations also, particularly Shannon, Ennis, Limerick MS, Cecilians MS, Galway MS, Thurles, Bravo, Carrick and Tralee. Roll on the Awards weekend in Killarney!